Thinking of filing a DBA? Watch this first, then contact me for assistance. You can comment below, or send me an email. I would be happy to help.
Thinking of filing a DBA? Watch this first, then contact me for assistance. You can comment below, or send me an email. I would be happy to help.
Yes or No?: I have already dropped my New Year’s resolutions.
Evernote Essentials (Fullerton, California: Brett Kelly Media, Inc., 2010)
I always hesitate when I hear something called “the ___ bible”, but this book was recommended to me as “The Evernote Bible.” Despite my suspicions, this has proven to be a tremendous resource in my organization and productivity. It will easily take you from the very beginning to expert use in no time. And, if you act quickly, it’s currently half price!
I need your input for a future blog post – do you make New Year’s resolutions, set goals, or do nothing?
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain — and most fools do.